This article arose from a discussion among Latinx scholars, disillusioned by the treatment and reaction to superstar-tennis-champion, mother and Black
Author: Michelle Rascon-Canales
Michelle Rascon-Canales is a PhD student at the University of Arizona where her research focuses on the sociocultural and ecological contexts of development in the lives of young people who are recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program. Michelle holds a Master of Social Work Degree from Arizona State University and practiced social work for seven years where she solely worked with undocumented and unaccompanied children and their families. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the School of Anthropology and The Department of Mexican American Studies from the University of Arizona. Michelle was also part of the formerly known TUSD’s Raza Studies Program which continues to influence her advocacy, writing, and research interests.