Editorial Board


Theresa Delgadillo (Co-Editor) is Vilas Distinguished Professor of Professor of English and Chican@ and Latin@ Studies at UW Madison. She earned her Ph.D. at UCLA. In 2011 she founded Mujeres Talk (our predecessor site) and in 2017 co-founded Latinx Talk with the 2017 Mujeres Talk Editorial Board. She has enjoyed collaborating with colleagues from across the country to build this important online venue for the field of Latinx studies. Her published research includes articles in Aztlán, American Literary History, Latino Studies Journal, American Quarterly; several chapters in edited collections; and four books: Geographies of Relation: Diasporas and Borderlands in the Americas (University of Michigan Press, 2024), the co-edited volume Building Sustainable Worlds: Latinx Placemaking in the Midwest (University of Illinois Press, 2022), Latina Lives in Milwaukee (University of Illinois Press 2015), and Spiritual Mestizaje: Religion, Gender, Race, and Nation in Contemporary Chicana Narrative (Duke University Press 2011).


Isabel Espinal (Co-Editor) is the librarian for Afro American Studies, Latin American, Caribbean and  Latino Studies, Spanish & Portuguese, and Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies at University of Massachusetts Amherst. She was born in New York City, two years after her parents immigrated from the Cibao countryside in the Dominican Republic. She has an AB in Romance Languages and Literature from Princeton University, a Masters in Library and Information Studies from UC Berkeley, and an MA and PhD in American Studies, English department, from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She employed Anzaldúan strategies in her dissertation, Kiskeyanas Valientes en Este Espacio: Dominican Women Writers and the Spaces of Contemporary American Literature, and she is looking to get it published as a book. She is a past president of REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking, and has written and given presentations on Dominican women writers in the United States, whiteness and diversity in librarianship, information literacy, the climate crisis and libraries, and Latinx literature, among other topics.


Delia Fernández-Jones is Assistant Professor of History at Michigan State University. She is a core faculty member of the Chicano/Latino Studies Program and the director of the Womxn of Color Initiatives. She was born and raised in Grand Rapids Michigan among a large, tight-knit Mexican and Puerto Rican community. Drawing on her lived experiences as a Latina in Michigan and extensive primary source research, her work centers on Latinx placemaking in the Midwest. She is particularly interested in how this population transforms the places they live in to suit their political, economic, and social needs. She has two award winning articles on Latinos in Michigan. She is the author of Making the MexiRican City, Mexican and Puerto Rican Migration, Placemaking, and Activism in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Fernández-Jones’s term on the Editorial Board is from 2023-2026.


Photo of Perla Guerrero wearing a grey and black blazer with a window in the backgroundPerla Guerrero is Associate Professor of American Studies and U.S. Latina/o Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her research and teaching interests include relational race and ethnicity with a focus on Latinxs and Asian Americans, space and place, immigration, legality, and deportation, labor, U.S. history, and the U.S. South. She has received multiple awards including a Ford Postdoctoral Fellowship and two from the Smithsonian Institution to be a Postdoctoral Fellow at the National Museum of American History (NMAH). Her first book, Nuevo South: Latinas/os, Asians, and the Remaking of Place, examines how racial cleansing and sundown towns made northwest Arkansas into a particular kind of place and analyzes the political and economic factors that are shifting social conditions and racial mores in the U.S. South. Nuevo South posits that to fully understand the racialization of Asians and Latinas/os we must also understand the history of place-specific ideologies that are at the center of more recent instantiations of racialized relationships. She’s currently working on her second book, Deportation’s Aftermath: Displacement and Making a Life in Exile, that explores what happens to different kinds of people after repatriation—those deported by the nation-state, those who are forced to return (meaning state and federal policies made life so difficult they were coerced into leaving), and those who chose to return to their birth country. Taking Mexico City and the state of Puebla as research sites, the book seeks to understand how U.S.-based inequality, criminalization, and stigma are reproduced in Mexico after repatriation. Guerrero is serving her second term on the Editorial Board from 2024 to 2027.


Dr. Bernadine Hernández is Associate Professor of English at the University of New Mexico. She specializes in transnational feminism and sexual economies of the US-Mexico borderlands, along with American Literary Studies and Empire, border and migration history, and Chicana/Latina Literature and Sexualities. Her book with UNC press is titled Border Bodies: Racialized Sexuality, Sexual Capital, and Violence in the Nineteenth Century Borderlands and is the first book length study that focuses on sexual capital and gender and sexual violence in the borderlands in the nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries through recovered archival work. She is also the co-editor of the first edited collection on Ana Castillo titled New Transnational Chicanx Perspectives on Ana Castillo, published with University of Pittsburg Press in Spring 2021. Her other publications appear in Comparative Literature and Culture, Transgender Studies Quarterly, Women’s Studies Quarterly, among others. Hernández’s term on the Editorial Board is from 2023 to 2026.



Carmen Ibarra is a first-year student at the University of Wisconsin Law School. She is a proud Mexican American, and a graduate of UW-Madison where she received her undergraduate degrees in English and Political Science. While attending UW-Madison, she explored her heritage through the classes provided by the Chican@ and Latin@ Studies department. She is passionate about elevating Latinx voices through literature, and she is looking forward to a future career in immigration law. She is an Editorial Assistant for Latinx Talk.



Audrey Lucero is Associate Professor o Language and Literacy Education in the Department of Education Studies at the University of Oregon. She is also the inaugural director of the UO Latinx Studies program, which launched in 2020. Her research interests are always evolving but are centered on schooling for Latinx students and others from marginalized communities, as well as how those experiences influence their identities as literate beings. This work has various strands, including investigating the language and literacy practices of young bilingual children in both Spanish and English, as well as considering the instructional practices teachers enact to facilitate those practices. Her most recent work is focused on critical literacy pedagogy and she is facilitating teacher professional development workshops to that end. She uses critical discourse analysis to analyze the ways in which teachers who participate in professional development discuss race, ethnicity, language, and similar issues both in their classrooms and among themselves. In her role as director of the UO Latinx Studies program, Dr. Lucero works closely with the Center for Latino/a and Latin American studies, the Latinx Strategies group, the Dreamers Working Group, and the Latinx Scholars First-Year Academic Residential Community (ARC). Lucero’s term on the Editorial Board is from 2023-2026.


Photo of Cecilia Marquez with a brightly painted mural in the backgroundCecilia Márquez is Assistant Professor in History at Duke University. Her research is on the history of Latinx racial formations. Her manuscript-in-progress, The Strange Career of Juan Crow: Latino/a Racial Formations and the U.S. South, 1940-2010, traces the history of Latinxs during the demise of Jim Crow segregation. Her work helps historicize contemporary Latino/a migration to the U.S. South and emphasizes the importance of region in shaping Latinx identity. Her second book project is a history of Latinxs and far-right politics. Her work has received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Smithsonian National Museum of American History, the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, and American Council of Learned Societies. Márquez’s term on the Editorial Board is from 2022-2025.


Belinda Linn Rincón (Co-Editor) is Associate Professor in the departments of Latin American and Latinx Studies and English at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, where she is the co-creator and Co-Director of the Latinx Literature Minor Program – the first program of its kind at CUNY. She specializes in Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x literary and cultural studies, Latina feminisms, war and militarism and Latinx Gothic and horror. Her book Bodies at War: Genealogies of Militarism in Chicana Literature and Culture (2017, University of Arizona Press), which won the 2018 International Latino Book Award for Best Women’s Issues Book, examines the rise of neoliberal militarism from the early 1970s to the present and its political, ontological, and aesthetic implications for the Chicana/o community. Through Chicana art, activism, and writing, Bodies at War offers a visionary foundation for an antiwar feminist politic. Rincón has published articles in Modern Fiction Studies and Latino Studies. In 2015, she won the Antonia I. Castañeda Essay Award given by the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies for her article “‘Estas son mis armas’: Lorna Dee Cervantes’ Poetics of Feminist Solidarity in the Era of Neoliberal Militarism” in Women’s Studies Quarterly. The award recognizes the best essay published by an un-tenured Chicana scholar that provides a historical and intersectional analysis of Chicana/Latina and/or Indigenous women. She received the Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship and fellowships and/or grants from the American Association of University Women, the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. She is the co-founder of the Biennial Latinx Literary Theory and Criticism Conference which convenes scholars and students from around the country to showcase the major critical directions that scholars are forging in the field. Professor Rincón is currently working on a monograph about Latinx horror and Gothic in film and literature. Rincón’s term on the Editorial Board is from 2023-2026.

Alexa Rodríguez is an Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia and a 2024 postdoctoral fellow for the National Academy of Education and Spencer Foundation. Her research examines schools, migration, and the formation of racial and national identities in both Latin America and in the United States. She is currently working on a book manuscript, Crafting Dominicanidad (forthcoming with University of North Carolina Press), an intellectual history that examines how Dominicans used public schools to articulate and circulate competing notions of racial, class, and national identity during the early twentieth century. Her work has been published in scholarly journals such as History of Education Quarterly and Latino Studies, as well as public-facing venues such as City & State New York, Clio and the Contemporary, and the blog of the History of Education Society in the UK. Rodríguez’s term on the Editorial Board is from 2024 to 2027.

Aurora Santiago Ortiz is Assistant Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies, and Chican@ and Latin@ Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research focuses on antiracist feminisms, decolonial perspectives, and participatory action research. Her work has been published in the Michigan Journal for Community Service Learning, the Italian Journal of Urban Studies, Curriculum Inquiry, and in Chicana/Latina Studies Journal. She has also contributed to Society and Space, NACLA, The Abusable Past blog of the Radical History Review, Electric Marronage, Open Democracy, and Zora magazine. Ortiz’s term on the Editorial Board is from 2023 to 2026.



Rafael “Rafa” Ramírez Solórzano is an Assistant Professor at the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida, Gainesville. He is trained in ethnic studies and specializes as a social movement historian with a strong focus on community engagement. His pedagogical interests encompass Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x freedom movements, racial geographies, relational histories of race, and queer of color critique. He earned a Ph.D. in Chicana/o and Central American Studies at UCLA with a concentration on gender studies.  His scholarly contributions include book chapters and articles published in Latino Studies Journal, Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies, and American Quarterly. He has been honored with fellowships from the Mellon Foundation and UCLA’s Chicano Studies Research Center. Moreover, he is deeply engaged with digital archives, integrating them into both his research and teaching to preserve and connect with community histories. His forthcoming book, Migrant Refusal: The Making of the Trail of Dreams, examines the 2010 Trail of Dreams and its influence on migrant rights activism across the U.S. Global South. His term on the Editorial Board is from 2024 to 2027.


Deborah R. Vargas is Associate Professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Ethnicity, Race, and Migration at Yale University. Vargas draws on the fields of queer of color critique, critical race feminism, and Chicane/Latine Studies to consider the cultural politics of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands and Latine cultural studies. Vargas is the author of Dissonant Divas in Chicana Music: The Limits of La Onda awarded three book prizes including Best Book in Chicana/o Studies (National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies), The Woody Guthrie Prize for Best Book in Popular Music Studies, (International Association for the Study of Popular Music) and honorable mention for Outstanding Book in Latino Studies (Latin American Studies Association). Vargas is co-editor with Nancy Raquel Mirabal and Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes of Keywords for Latina/o Studies, New York University Press. Vargas’s current manuscript, “Sucialogy” is under contract with Duke University Press. Vargas’s term on the Editorial Board is from 2024 to 2027.

David J. Vázquez is Associate Professor of Critical Race, Gender, and Culture Studies and Director of the Program in Latina/o/x Studies at American University in Washington, DC. He is co-editor of Latinx Environmentalisms: Place, Justice, and the Decolonial (Temple, 2019), which won the Modern Language Association Prize for an Edited Volume, and the author of Triangulations: Narrative Strategies for Navigating Latino Identity (Minnesota, 2011). He is co-editor, with Hsuan Hsu, of The Molecular Intimacies of Empire, a special forum of The Journal of Transnational American Studies. In addition to his longer pieces, he has published journal articles in Symbolism, American Literary History, Arizona Quarterly, Contemporary Literature, CENTRO, and Latino Studies and contributed to the Routledge Companion to Latino/a Literature and Erasing Public Memory: Race, Aesthetics, and Cultural Amnesia in the Americas. In addition to his current affiliations, he is a former director of the Center for Latina/o and Latin American Studies at the University of Oregon and a past fellow at the Institute for Humanities Research at Arizona State University and at the Oregon Humanities Center at the University of Oregon. His new book project, titled Decolonial Environmentalisms: Race, Genre, and Latinx Culture explores how Latinx environmental thinking over the past three decades interrogates environmental harm and the ways racial capitalism (the idea that racism is a structuring logic of capitalism) and colonialism are embedded in mainstream environmentalism. Vázquez’s term on the Editorial Board is from 2023 to 2026.


Past Members of the Editorial Board

Lourdes Alberto, University of Utah, 2013 [Mujeres Talk] – 2015 [Mujeres Talk].

Lauren Araiza, Denison University, January 2016 [Mujeres Talk] – May 2019 [Latinx Talk].

Inés Hernández-Avila, University of California at Davis, September 2013 [Mujeres Talk] – April 2016 [Mujeres Talk].

Ester E. Hernández, California State Los Angeles, June 2020-June 2024 [Latinx Talk]. Hernández previously served on the Editorial Board from 2012-2014 [Mujeres Talk].

Magdalena Barrera, San José State University, May 2017 [Latinx Talk] – May 2019 [Latinx Talk].

Miroslava Chávez-García,University of California, Santa Barbara, May 2018 [Latinx Talk] – December 2021 [Latinx Talk].

Carlos U. Decena, Rutgers University, May 2017 [Latinx Talk]  – December 2017 [Latinx Talk].

Roberto C. Delgadillo, UC-Davis, May 2019 [Latinx Talk] – December 2022 [Latinx Talk].

Lucila Ek, University of Texas at San Antonio, August 2013 [Mujeres Talk] – December 2015 [Mujeres Talk].

Ella Díaz, San Francisco Art Institute and Cornell University, 2013 [Mujeres Talk] – 2013 [Mujeres Talk].

Adriana Estill, Carleton College, May 2017 [Latinx Talk] – May 2020 [Latinx Talk].

Elena Gutiérrez, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012 [Mujeres Talk] – 2013 [Mujeres Talk].

Felipe Hinojosa, Texas A&M University, May 2017 [Latinx Talk] – August 2022 [Latinx Talk], Editor of Latinx Talk from 2020-2022.

Miguel Juárez, University of Texas at El Paso, May 2017 [Latinx Talk] – May 2020 [Latinx Talk].

Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes, University of Michigan, 2020 [Latinx Talk] – 2023 [Latinx Talk].

Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo, Washington State University, May 2014 [Mujeres Talk] – May 2018 [Latinx Talk].

Xochitl Marsilli-Vargas, Emory University, May 2021 [Latinx Talk] – October 2022 [Latinx Talk].

Miranda Martinez, Ohio State University, September 2013 [Mujeres Talk] – December 2015 [Mujeres Talk].

Yalidy Matos, Rutgers University, May 2017 [Latinx Talk] – May 2019 [Latinx Talk].

Felicity Amaya Schaeffer, University of California at Santa Cruz, September 2013 [Mujeres Talk] – May 2016 [Mujeres Talk].

Seline Szkupinski Quiroga, Arizona State University, 2012 [Mujeres Talk] – 2013 [Mujeres Talk].

Sara A. Ramirez, UC Berkeley and Texas State University, August 2012 [Mujeres Talk] – September 2013 [Mujeres Talk].

Diana Rivera, Michigan State University, October 2013 [Mujeres Talk] – February 2015 [Mujeres Talk].

Sujey Vega, Arizona State University, 2015 [Mujeres Talk] – 2017 [Latinx Talk].

Omaris Z. Zamora, Rutgers University, 2020 [Latinx Talk] – 2023 [Latinx Talk].

Susy Zepeda, University of California at Davis, January 2014 [Mujeres Talk] – December 2016 [Mujeres Talk].